
Woolworths needed to elevate the safety measures at its new distribution center to prevent collisions and incidents in a high-traffic environment. However, it needed to do this without affecting ‘put away’ and ‘picking’ efficiency.


RFID technology was used to establish Zoned Speed Control with the Speedshield Reporting and Control Module.

To minimize safety hazards from the growth of activity and pedestrian volumes on site, we installed technology to centrally limit the speed of forklifts. The Speedshield Reporting and Control Module enabled management, as required, to centrally change vehicle speed limits by zone and, where necessary, to restrict individual forklifts from operating in specific zones entirely. This module also provides vehicle and operator usage and performance reports for analysis.


Woolworths and Speedshield Technologies implemented a safe traffic management strategy that incorporated reduced vehicle speed in high pedestrian areas while also being able to actively control different maximum speed limits for different types of equipment across defined areas of the Distribution Centre (DC).